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Code GCTools CodeSprint

Submission Deadline

By end of day, December 10, 2015, participants are required to submit:

Judging Criteria

Judging Criteria Point System
Composition of Team: Does the team include a wide range of expertise, including coders, designers, project managers, writers, non-users and communications specialists? 0-10 Points
UX Design: Is the submission visually appealing and will it draw/maintain the attention of the user? Does the submission’s User Interface provide a positive user experience? 0-10 Points
Effectiveness: If implemented, will the submission increase the usability and functionality of GCconnex. 0-10 Points
Stability: Is the Code stable? Does it run smoothly without crashing? Are there errors? Will it have proper functionality? 0-10 Points
Total Score Maximum 40 Points

Bonus Points

Teams and individuals will be provided with the option to participate in the bounty board for the 2 days of the event, where they can accumulate bonus points to be added to their overall score. A bounty board is a list of issues, enhancements and bug fixes. Each item will have a weighted score, based on degree of difficulty to code it – as determined by the GC2.0 Tools Tech Team.  

Timelines after Code GCconnex

Top Submissions

Fan Favourite Voting and Winner Announcement

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